March 13, 2022

The Lost Art of Jazz Kissa Revealed in Two New Books

Placing a jazz album from the early ’60s onto a turntable and playing it is akin to time travel, so too, is going through one of Katsumasa Kusunose’s glossy publications exploring the rarified world of authentic Jazz Kissa.
April 19, 2022

Archetype: Altec Voice of The Theatre

A holistic loudspeaker system mating 15-inch woofers with high-frequency compression drivers and sectoral horns enabled Altec Voice of The Theatre (VOTT) designs to scale effortlessly in demanding cinema applications, making them the de facto choice for replacing long-running Western Electric loudspeaker theatre installs beginning in the 1940s.
October 6, 2022

Vintage Hi-fi in a Modern Iran

While being one of the oldest civilizations known to mankind, dating back to the fourth millennium BC, Iran is nonetheless thoroughly modern in its tastes for high fidelity. Yet some seek a musical path mixing the present with the past, curating vintage amplification and loudspeakers into their modern set ups.
January 14, 2023

Listening Space: Terry Tan – Miri Sarawak, Malaysia

Much like a Haruki Murakami novel, the main characters of a curated sound system are brought together with a purpose which is not always readily apparent, and only through the investment of learned association can one necessarily reveal motive and purpose.