October 5, 2021

Jazz Kissa 2014 Vol.1 and Vol. 2 Photo Book now Available – UPDATED

Jazz City Store is now taking pre-orders for an exclusive photo book on Tokyo jazz kissa by photographer Katsumasa Kusunose. The latest instalment in his Jazz Kissa series, Jazz Kissa 2014 Vol.1, features 144 pages packed with Kusunose’s extraordinary images chronicling kissaten still operating in Japan and some that have since disappeared forever.
August 21, 2022

Listening Space: Esteban Pasquale – New York City

A listening space. What is it to each of us who pursue to perfect this domain? In a hobby divided along tribal lines, each subset fiercely territorial in their machinations, can their be agreement to the parameters such a space should adhere to? I believe there is a deep undercurrent of tightly-held beliefs that above all else a listening space should be where one can escape everyday stresses which pervade modern life in this digital age of information overload.