October 5, 2021

Jazz Kissa 2014 Vol.1 and Vol. 2 Photo Book now Available – UPDATED

Jazz City Store is now taking pre-orders for an exclusive photo book on Tokyo jazz kissa by photographer Katsumasa Kusunose. The latest instalment in his Jazz Kissa series, Jazz Kissa 2014 Vol.1, features 144 pages packed with Kusunose’s extraordinary images chronicling kissaten still operating in Japan and some that have since disappeared forever.
October 28, 2021

Spacelab: The Valhalla of Vintage Hi-fi

Clint Moroz curates an exquisite selection of high fidelity’s most coveted jewels which are embedded – along with two centuries worth of cultural trove – in the slightly askew crown worn by vintage shop Space Lab as the reigning champ of Canadian West Coast cultural treasure.
November 7, 2021

Listening Space: Eddie O’Loughlin – Sydney, Australia

A listening space is mostly about exploration. The deep exploration of music’s impact, context and texture upon one’s cultural, and intellectual makeup.
February 5, 2022

Notable Private Press Albums

Private pressings have always been sought after. Despite runs of less than 300 copies, despite amateurish performances or sub-par recording and engineering, and despite a lack of name recognition for the artists therein, the importance and value of the private pressing to the culture of recorded music cannot be overstated.