August 21, 2022

Listening Space: Esteban Pasquale – New York City

A listening space. What is it to each of us who pursue to perfect this domain? In a hobby divided along tribal lines, each subset fiercely territorial in their machinations, can their be agreement to the parameters such a space should adhere to? I believe there is a deep undercurrent of tightly-held beliefs that above all else a listening space should be where one can escape everyday stresses which pervade modern life in this digital age of information overload.
January 14, 2023

Listening Space: Terry Tan – Miri Sarawak, Malaysia

Much like a Haruki Murakami novel, the main characters of a curated sound system are brought together with a purpose which is not always readily apparent, and only through the investment of learned association can one necessarily reveal motive and purpose.